


From bustling Istanbul to country roads and back

From bustling Istanbul to country roads and back

Abdi İbrahim is the leader in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry. Quality and innovation are the company’s guiding principles. The thousands of Škoda cars in the company fleet are proof of that. See how they fare in action, both in Istanbul and beyond.

26. 10. 2023 Škoda World

Abdi İbrahim’s fleet is large. “We have 2,700 Škoda vehicles that are driven all over Turkey. Our cooperation with Škoda started in 2020, building on our now 12-year cooperation with Volkswagen Group. And we’re pleased to say that our journey with the Škoda brand will continue for another three years at least,” says Deniz Daver, Vice-President of People and Culture & Executive Board Member.

Abdi İbrahim is the market leader in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry.

“Our regional sales representatives use Škoda Scala models primarily to visit hospitals, doctors and pharmacies. And our regional managers drive the Škoda Superbs,” explains Ufuk Güler, Procurement Director. Due to the intensive use and drivers’ demands, these Škoda Scala cars are specially equipped with features such as an 8-inch infotainment display and front and rear parking sensors with a parking camera.

1-Spokespersons-Ufuk-Guler-Procurement-Director-copy_c80179efUfuk Güler
purchasing director at Abdi İbrahim

Representing on the roads

Why did the Turkish pharmaceutical giant choose Czech cars? “Our sales activities require cars that can withstand intense urban traffic and are not caught out by changing road conditions. The Škoda Scala in particular has become the car of choice for our younger employees aged 25-35. In addition to robustness and driving comfort, we also look at other factors, such as residual value, average fuel consumption, and the fact that the importer can offer us special prices. Delivery times are also a factor. Combining these criteria with other economic indicators gives us an overview of the total cost of ownership, which we use to guide our decision-making during the tender process,” explains Daver.

Abdi İbrahim has 2,700 Škodas that operate all over Turkey.

Deniz Daver, the company’s vice-president, stresses the importance to Abdi İbrahim of the brand of vehicles its employees drive. “High quality, reliability, innovation and added value are key in our work. The vehicles we choose, such as Škoda, reflect these values. In fact, we don’t just see cars as vehicles – they represent Abdi İbrahim on the road. Our top priority remains the safety and comfort of our sales team. We evaluate vehicle specifications and performance through a committee that includes the company’s top management, ensuring that our fleet lives up to our brand’s promise.”

1-Spokesperson-Deniz-Daver-VP-of-People-and-Culture_Executive-Board-Member-copy_26d24b2dDeniz Daver
vice president for People and Culture and member of the board of Abdi İbrahim

Abdi İbrahim

Founded in Istanbul in 1912, Abdi İbrahim is the leader in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry. From humble beginnings in a small pharmacy, the company has grown successfully and dynamically and now operates in seventeen countries and exports to more than seventy markets. Its commitment to excellence is evident in its diverse product portfolio, which includes nearly 250 brands and more than five hundred products. Innovation is at the heart of Abdi İbrahim’s work. With the industry’s first accredited R&D centre, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and a strategic partnership with OM Pharma of Switzerland, the company is constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in pharmaceuticals. Another area of focus for the company is sustainability. In 2020, it became the first Turkish pharmaceutical company to use 100% renewable electricity. But its ambition doesn’t end there: it wants to be carbon neutral by 2030, while also becoming one of the 100 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world by 2025.

Fleet electrification is a hot topic among Turkish companies. As Daver suggests, the mood at present is one of cautious optimism, especially given the slowly developing local infrastructure. “We would like part of the fleet to be electric within the next three years. As the infrastructure for electric vehicles improves over time, we expect to see an increase in this type of vehicle in our fleet. However, this transformation will be gradual and properly thought out.”

Regional sales reps use the Škoda Scala model.

How do you like driving Škoda cars?  

Utku Küçük – medical representative

“Driving a Škoda Scala is a great experience. Not only does it combine elegance with sporty design, but the comfort it offers is unrivalled, in my opinion. Navigating narrow streets, especially in the hectic Turkish traffic, can be quite challenging. But the assistance systems make driving effortless. The thoughtfully designed storage compartments, adjustable multi-function driver’s seat and armrest - this all makes for a great driving experience. I also like the quiet running of the petrol engine, the new steering wheel and cruise control. As a medical representative, I often visit prestigious clients. The Scala not only meets but exceeds the high standards of safety and comfort I have, and represents me and my company in the best possible light.” 

Utku Küçük – lékařský zástupce

Merve Kuğu – regional manager for ophthalmology

“I currently drive a Škoda Superb. Its features are driver-friendly, simplifying everyday tasks and making every drive a real pleasure. Driving in Turkish traffic, especially in a busy city like Istanbul, isn’t a walk in the park. The traffic can be overwhelming, dense and complex, but amidst it all the beauty of Istanbul stands out. And the Škoda Superb makes navigating this beautiful chaos much more manageable.”


The fleet is set to undergo a transformation, with Abdi İbrahim looking to be carbon neutral by 2030.