Non-profit educational institute ‘42 Prague’ opens its doors

› ‘42 Prague’ is the third offshoot of the Volkswagen Group’s ‘École 42’ coder training network
› 150 software developers will be graduating every year from the non-profit educational institute co-founded by ŠKODA AUTO

Mladá Boleslav, 9 May 2022 – Courses started at the educational institute ‘42 Prague’ in the Czech capital. The innovative didactic concept focuses on continuous learning and sustainably strengthening social skills. In the future, 150 programmers will be graduating from the educational institute every year.

By opening ‘42 Prague’, we are creating the ideal conditions to actively address and successfully shape our company’s transformation. The new training institute offers talented IT professionals the optimal conditions to acquire new knowledge and to develop and enhance their skills. Thanks to its innovative didactic approach, the entire program is geared towards life-long learning.”

Maren Gräf, ŠKODA AUTO Board Member for People & Culture

“As one of the country’s largest employers, we are committed to strengthening the Czech Republic as an international high-tech location. The graduates of the ‘42 Prague’ educational institute will make a decisive contribution to making our company even more digital in the future, especially in the areas of software engineering, data analytics, robotics and artificial intelligence.”

Christian Schenk, ŠKODA AUTO Board Member for Finance and IT

Initially, 150 software developers will prepare for new job descriptions and requirement profiles at the training institute co-founded by ŠKODA AUTO starting in September; in three years, 450 students are expected to learn here. The institute’s didactic focus is on continuous learning and strengthening social skills. To this end, ‘42 Prague’ relies on three different approaches. The first pillar is gamification, each student’s progress is measured in levels. Furthermore, the students learn according to the concept of peer learning, collaborative learning, and independent work. The third pillar is peer evaluation, which involves learners correcting each other and thus promoting constructive discussions about project results.

The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade awarded the educational institute auspices for the year 2022, which shows the prestige of the project. ‘42 Prague’ is headed by Daria Hvížďalová and is the third offshoot of the Group’s ‘École 42’ coder training network after ‘42 Wolfsburg’ and ‘42 Berlin’. Apart from ŠKODA AUTO, the other co-founding companies are for example Trask and Green:code. ‘42 Prague’ cooperates with companies such as Digiteq Automotive or with local partners, such as Czechitas, and others.

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