Genuine leather that would otherwise end up as meat industry waste in landfill and olive tree leaves that would be burnt. These are the basic materials used in environmentally friendly upholstery for seats in Enyaq cars. Anyone who orders an Enyaq with the EcoSuite Design Selection can have this.
Seats with sustainable upholstery are created from two materials that are otherwise waste products using a special process. The process does without the chemicals that are usually used to tan leather. Instead, the leather is rendered with a special extract from the leaves of olive trees. The extract contains a substance that olive trees produce to repel animal pests. The process of making the extract is reminiscent of infusing tea and it meets the strictest criteria set by the food industry. It is also important to emphasise that the leaves used are the waste from the olive harvest: no tree is cut down.
Ecologically tanned leather is one of the steps Škoda is taking towards sustainability.