Girls’ view of the IT world is completely different,
says Adriana Velechovská, HR Marketing specialist for IT from ŠKODA AUTO
Common workshop of ŠKODA AUTO, ŠKODA AUTO DigiLab and Czechitas NGO during their Summer IT School, focused on teenage girls interested in IT. What lead you to this cooperation?
We are trying to support diversity and tell that ŠKODA IT is open to women. That is why we like organisations like Czechitas which aims to attract more women and girls to this branch. As there is higher demand on IT specialists on Czech market, we want to make already pupils of elementary schools interested in this area. At the same time, we are cooperating with universities whose students get regularly invited to IT Days in ŠKODA. The students get an opportunity to have a look at our museum, production, data centre, and take part in different workshops with topics like virtual reality, connectivity etc.
Why is it a good idea to attract girls to IT and moreover to a car factory, which is on the first sight twice as much a male domain?
Girls see things from a bit different perspective. Apart from other things, our IT specialists are in charge of different projects and communicate with deliverers and developers, concerning what should be programmed and how. This makes them rather project managers. Women bring more subtle view to project management. Satisfaction is on both sides, because men are happy to have female colleagues in IT.