Počelo je sa drugom generacijom modela ŠKODA OCTAVIA, prvim ŠKODA modelom koji je dobio karakterističan „svetlosni potpis“ u obliku slova C. Ovaj prepoznatljivi element predstavljen je na svim modelima češkog proizvođača automobila, uz razne inovacije. Koliko dobro poznajete razne modele? Neki su već neko vreme na putevima, dok su drugi potpuno novi. Isprobajte naš noćni kviz!
{"ajaxUrl":"\/wp-json\/skt\/result","resultPageVariants":{"0-0.1":"It wasn\u2019t easy, we know. But don\u2019t give up: you can make yourself more familiar with cars\u2019 rear lights even when you\u2019re walking in the streets at night. If you set your mind to it, next time you\u2019ll be able to tell all \u0160KODA models apart from behind even in the dark! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/scala_1_066-jpg.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.1-0.2":"It wasn\u2019t easy, we know. But don\u2019t give up: you can make yourself more familiar with cars\u2019 rear lights even when you\u2019re walking in the streets at night. If you set your mind to it, next time you\u2019ll be able to tell all \u0160KODA models apart from behind even in the dark! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/scala_1_066-jpg.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.2-0.3":"It wasn\u2019t easy, we know. But don\u2019t give up: you can make yourself more familiar with cars\u2019 rear lights even when you\u2019re walking in the streets at night. If you set your mind to it, next time you\u2019ll be able to tell all \u0160KODA models apart from behind even in the dark! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/scala_1_066-jpg.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.3-0.4":"It wasn\u2019t easy, we know. But don\u2019t give up: you can make yourself more familiar with cars\u2019 rear lights even when you\u2019re walking in the streets at night. If you set your mind to it, next time you\u2019ll be able to tell all \u0160KODA models apart from behind even in the dark! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179475\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/scala_1_066-jpg.jpg\" alt=\"scala_01\" width=\"6720\" height=\"4480\" \/>","0.4-0.5":"Good job. With only a couple of slip-ups, it\u2019s clear you have a good eye for detail. No doubt you\u2019ll now have a bee in your bonnet and will keep playing this little game when you drive in the dark. And next time you\u2019ll get them all right! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179474\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/octavia_010.jpg\" alt=\"octavia_020-1\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" \/>","0.5-0.6":"Good job. With only a couple of slip-ups, it\u2019s clear you have a good eye for detail. No doubt you\u2019ll now have a bee in your bonnet and will keep playing this little game when you drive in the dark. And next time you\u2019ll get them all right! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179474\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/octavia_010.jpg\" alt=\"octavia_020-1\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" \/>","0.6-0.7":"Good job. With only a couple of slip-ups, it\u2019s clear you have a good eye for detail. No doubt you\u2019ll now have a bee in your bonnet and will keep playing this little game when you drive in the dark. And next time you\u2019ll get them all right! <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179474\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/octavia_010.jpg\" alt=\"octavia_020-1\" width=\"2000\" height=\"1333\" \/>","0.7-0.8":"Bravo! It\u2019s obvious you\u2019ve done a lot of driving in the dark. Hats off \u2013 the rear lights often consist of just a few strips of light, and only a true connoisseur can match these to a particular model.. <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179750\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/superb_iv_combi_010.jpg\" alt=\"superb_iv_020\" width=\"5000\" height=\"3333\" \/>","0.8-0.9":"Bravo! It\u2019s obvious you\u2019ve done a lot of driving in the dark. Hats off \u2013 the rear lights often consist of just a few strips of light, and only a true connoisseur can match these to a particular model. <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179750\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/superb_iv_combi_010.jpg\" alt=\"superb_iv_020\" width=\"5000\" height=\"3333\" \/>","0.9-1.1":"Bravo! It\u2019s obvious you\u2019ve done a lot of driving in the dark. Hats off \u2013 the rear lights often consist of just a few strips of light, and only a true connoisseur can match these to a particular model. <img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-179750\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.skoda-storyboard.com\/2021\/04\/superb_iv_combi_010.jpg\" alt=\"superb_iv_020\" width=\"5000\" height=\"3333\" \/>"},"error":{"email":"Neva\u017ee\u0107i email format.","country":"Invalid country.","check":"Sla\u017eem se uslovima i odredbama.","used":"Email je ve\u0107 u upotrebi.","general":"Do\u0161lo je do tehni\u010dkog problema."},"testId":209474,"lang":"","lock":"on","email":"","country":"","countryLabel":""}
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